Systematic Prayer for the Hungry, Homeless, Persecuted, Human Trafficking

Lately, the Lord has been leading me to think about systematic prayer. Some things are so important that we should pray about them daily; but it can be hard to remember to do so as other priorities take over. I feel strongly about many issues like hunger, homelessness, unjust persecution, and human trafficking. As I was considering these before the Lord, I was impressed with a system that I could incorporate into my daily activities and use to succeed in active, regular prayer.

But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.” 1 Peter 4:7

Here are some examples I pray and the system I developed. I hope will encourage you in your quest for systematic prayer.

The Hungry: As I give thanks for my food at mealtime, I pray for the hungry.

  • I pray that the Lord will fill them with good things, and provide a daily portion.
  • I pray that He would ease the pain of hunger, and bring compassionate people who are willing to share their abundance into the lives of the hungry.

The Homeless: As I lay my head down to sleep at night, I pray for the homeless.

  • I pray that God will supernaturally keep them warm in the cold and provide shade in the heat.
  • I pray that He will provide safe places where they may lay their heads and that the Lord will give them rest.

The Persecuted: After morning Bible reading, I pray for the persecuted church.

  • I pray that the Lord will show Himself in a powerful way to give them strength to endure, to overcome fear, ease their suffering and remain steadfast until the end.
  • I pray that their testimony will be strong, that their suffering will not be in vain, and that their tormentors will encounter Jesus and be converted.

The Trafficked: As I am driving in my car, I pray for those that are trafficked and forced into slavery.

  • I pray that God will comfort the sex slaves, that He sees their tears and dries them.
  • I pray especially for the children, that God will show His mercy.
  • I pray that as they are defiled Jesus will wash them in His love and show Himself in an intimate way.
  • I also pray that they will be visible to those who will help them to escape.

I would love to hear your system of prayer, so please comment below!


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