May 9 2017

Wisdom and Truth Minute: Day 112

Friendship and Differences of Opinion

Proverbs 17:17

Hi, I’m Howie Campbell, and this is a Wisdom and Truth Minute.

Recently, some friends of mine had a heated verbal exchange over politics. No surprise there, right? Many people I know have broken off friendships because of that. At one point, the military man said to the uber-liberal something like, “Well, I still love you, man.” What an amazing statement that true friendship goes way beyond emotion and differences of opinion.

My friend, that is exactly what Jesus came to show and teach. He said, “… [He] call[s] us no longer servants, but friends; and [his] love is everlasting” (John 15:15). In Proverbs 17:17 we find this golden nugget: “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”