America is as vital a mission field as anywhere in the world. Anti-Christian forces are attempting to silence our voice and remove all traces of our Christian faith from the public arena. We are more than certain of the calling in our lives to go and motivate the Church body to fearlessly and openly share the faith. We live in urgent times. We (you and I) must reach this nation for Jesus Christ by the grace and power of God.

To accomplish this, we have adopted a three-fold Mission Statement:
To take Jesus to the streets through unique musical outreaches – assisting local churches and believers to go where they usually are not welcome. Like the Lord, we have not come not to entertain the righteous, but call sinners to repentance
To use the universal language of music to engage people of the culture, looking for opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ
To comfort the body of Christ, encouraging them in these troubled times to stand firm on God’s promise to never leave nor forsake us
Thank you for your prayers and monthly giving that make it possible for us to carry on this ministry.
A brief history of our ministry

Howie and Debbie Campbell were married in 1980 and have had the joy of being saved within a month of each other - 1985. They have two children, Sarah born in 1982 and Seamus born in 1983, a son-in-law and numerous grandchildren.
Their call, once saved, was to follow the Lord Jesus, travel and tell everyone about the wonderful gift of salvation. Selling everything, they were to venture off on horseback with their children, armed with a pack of Bibles. The Lord had other plans though, and they ended up on the Cattaraugus Indian Reservation in 1985 for three months, then later moved to Clifton Park, NY where they were discipled. Still the call to "go out" was strong. They took every opportunity to walk the streets, with the children and guitar, and draw attention for the purpose of sharing Jesus. Howie was referred to by the neighborhood kids as the "Dirt Road Preacher" in 1987. For several years the family lead worship time with residents at O.D. Heck Developmental center - being unexpectedly blessed with the "volunteer of the year award" in 1991.
Recognizing this call to "go out", Pastor Jim Guenther and Trinity Baptist Church in Niskayuna, NY called for their commissioning. With the laying on of hands, the ministry was confirmed.
A move to Memphis, TN in 1993 began the Campbell’s international ministry. Working among the Asian community for the next 8 years, discipling, teaching English and leading worship in Church. During that time Howie completed his 4 year degree, ran a construction company and was ordained to the Gospel Ministry in 1999.
The Birth of Wisdom and Truth
2000 brought many changes. The Campbell children, who were home schooled K through 12, were graduating, leaving home with Sarah getting married. She and Christopher then moved their family to Virginia with Howie, Debbie and Seamus following. It was at this time the Campbells saw the opportunity to commit themselves, once again, to outbound ministry. Using their style of music and message, in 2003, what is now known as "Wisdom and Truth" began. At first they travelled locally and regionally, but soon expanded into The Great Circle, a tour that takes them all over America.
Howie plays guitar and shares a powerful message through song. Debbie shares her testimony and accompanies Howie with percussion. Together they run the nuts and bolts of the ministry. Howie books engagements, plans the calendars, writes music, studies the Bible, records music and such. Debbie does the mailings, fund raising, studies the Bible and has built and managed the web presence. When off the road the Campbells are heavily engaged in local ministry.