Apr 7 2009

Free Union at the Solid Rock Cafe

The Solid RockAs the saying goes:”God works in mysterious ways.” Perhaps it’s a mystery to us because God’s ways are far beyond ours. After years of praying for Waynesboro, and even attempting to make contact with the folks at the Solid Grounds coffee house, God opened the door for us last fall. This past Friday we heard, from Pastor Keith, the results of our ministry there.

Waynesboro, VA is similar to many small towns around America today. It seems the forces of darkness are stepping up their activity, manifest in increasing drug and alcohol use, witchcraft and other cultic groups, a decline in church attendance, and an increase in apostacy. However, I believe there is also a hunger on the part of young people for the truth, real relationships, meaning and purpose in life, and a desire to find hope for the future. Of course this hope is found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus is the source of all truth, and that is the heart and soul of the message we bring couched in a music setting.

Keith shares a message about Good FridayPastor Keith and Brian, the man who started the Solid Rock more than 13 years ago, both gave testimony of our effectiveness, by God’s grace. Keith told us again that the atmosphere in the place had changed since our hard hitting spiritual engagement there last Halloween. That’s right, we proclaimed the truth of Jesus Christ at the Solid Rock on the enemy’s favorite holiday. Last night, as Keith brought a short message, followed by Brian’s encouraging word, the young folks sat with rapt attention to hear the Good News of Jesus. Many young people came up to us saying how much they liked what we were doing, enjoying the music, and listening to God’s Word in the lyrics. What a blessing!

Debbie, Howie, Brian, Dale, Keith, Laura
Debbie, Howie, Brian, Dale, Keith and Laura

Imagine that, all of us in the band Friday night were over 30, (some of us way past, ha ha), but the kids loved it. One young man even wants to be on our mailing list. Praise God! He knows what He’s doing, The time is right for us to prevail against the gates of hell, proclaiming liberty to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind. Jesus said His words are spirit and they are life. We will continue to present the message of life so long as God allows it.

Howie the guitar man