May 3 2016

Wisdom and Truth Minute: Day 32

Sharing Jesus with Others

Mark 1:17

Hi, I’m Howie Campbell, and this is a Wisdom and Truth Minute.

Fishing is a wonderful sport. I love eating fresh, natural food from God’s creation, but even if I’m not catching anything, it is exhilarating just being out there. You never know what is biting, or even if you’ll catch a fish at all. That’s what it’s like sharing Jesus with people. You never know who’ll accept your words and who will reject them. But just being able to tell people about how amazing Jesus is makes the telling exciting.

Jesus said, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Mark 1:17). Those first people Jesus called forsook their nets and followed him. He is still calling people today. Are you ready to follow Him?

May 2 2016

Wisdom and Truth Minute: Day 31

God’s Gifts are Unimaginable

1 Corinthians 2:9

Hi, I’m Howie Campbell, and this is a Wisdom and Truth Minute.

When I was a little boy, my parents provided food, clothing, and a place for me to live. But it wasn’t until I had a family of my own that I saw things beyond the bare necessities that they did for me. I had a deep love for my children which caused me to want to do nice things for them. I planned trips, bought presents, played games – all the good things that are born of love. All sorts of things they couldn’t imagine. That’s the way it is with your heavenly father. “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9). You can’t even imagine what good things God has in store for you.