Hi, I’m Howie Campbell, and this is a Wisdom and Truth Minute.
Some people are early risers. Others are not. Personally, I don’t always get up early enough to see the sunrise, but when I do, its’ splendor always delights my senses. In Psalm 5:3, we find King David writing this: “My voice shall you hear in the morning, O Lord. In the morning will I direct my prayer unto you, and will look up.” Since God’s mercies are new every morning, it makes sense that our first thoughts, yes, even our prayer, would be to Him first thing each day. Let me encourage you, my friend: turn your thoughts to God first, then everything will be in proper perspective.
Hi, I’m Howie Campbell, and this is a Wisdom and Truth Minute.
There is something about the stillness of the early morning that makes it the perfect time to spend with God. Before all the activity, the noise, the busyness begins, we can not only look for our father, but find him.
Psalm 5:3 says: “My voice shall you hear in the morning, O lord. In the morning will I direct my prayer unto you, and will look up.” And Isaiah 26:9 says, “With my soul have I desired you in the night; yes, with my spirit within me, I will seek you early.” God is waiting to spend time with you, my friend. Seek him early, and enjoy his presence.