“Allow the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
There were times in Jesus’ ministry when He was surrounded by kids. The older folks got upset because the kids were interfering with the work of one so important. They failed to understand we are all like children to God. In
fact, in God’s economy it is actually child-like faith that we all need in order to see the kingdom of heaven. One of the dangers in growing older, in fact, is the tendency to get so used to that which we can see, feel, touch and smell that we forget about the spiritual realm of faith: those unseen and hoped-for things.
On the first leg of this year’s Great Circle USA, Debbie and I have found ourselves ministering to children much of the time. I was told by a well-meaning pastor once not to “waste my time” with the children, rather focus on the adults. A few years back a youth minister told me my songs are dated, and I was too old to work with youth, and that they would not be into my music or message. It’s funny how God confounds human reasoning and wisdom. Some of the best times we have had along the way has involved young folks.
Like last year in Rapid City, South Dakota. We had a discussion-in-the-round with a group of college age kids. We talked, shared, listened, played some songs, worshipped the Lord and had a great time. Afterwards, the youth minister, who himself was in college, said he would take us to the place we were staying while they went for a midnight hike. I asked him if it was closed to adults, to which he replied we could go if we wanted to. He was
shocked that us older folks wanted to go “hang out” with them as they hiked in the dark. We had a great time, bonded with the kids, and they loved it. We even had some good discussions along the way.
This year our fist concert was in the youth building at Lilburn Alliance. Then we singled out the kids in Nashville during a family concert at a packed fellowship hall. Next, we interacted with kids in Memphis, Tennessee at an inner city church, and then in Waveland, Mississippi we did a concert specifically for the children. They were very responsive, especially after we marched around the building singing “King Jesus Is All”. These kids all learned the 10 Commandments – with hand motions- all within the hour concert!

If there is a generation gap, it’s because we have allowed the natural sin disposition to rule over God’s command to honor your parents, which includes revering elders (literally – grey headed ones). Hey, I have gray hair. Hmm . . . I guess I shouldn’t be able to work with kids. Shhh – don’t tell them, they’re having too much fun. Besides, they might learn something.
Personally, I see God raising up a faith army among the youth of our day that will be able to do amazing things for Jesus in the coming apostasy. May God grant them power to stand firm on the Word of God and reject everything that would compromise their ability to follow the Lord with all their heart. May we follow Jesus’ injunction to bring the children to Him who can shepherd them into all truth, for God’s glory and the benefit of the Kingdom of His dear Son.
As for me, I think I will continue to work with kids as long as I have something to offer. Maybe ‘till I draw may last breath. What generation gap?